C.o.R.E. Spotlight - AMA with Goldfinch

With C.o.R.E.3 beginning next week, the Tokemak team has lined up a series of AMAs ("Ask Me Anything") with various Reactor candidates.

The Spotlight Series will allow the Tokemak community to familiarize itself with the protocols that are interested in securing a Reactor of their own, and get a peek into why these DAOs are so interested in moving away from liquidity mining in favor of sustainable liquidity.

Next up is Goldfinch, a lending protocol that aims to bridge the gap between DeFi and TradFi by offering undercollateralized loans in emerging markets.

Goldfinch is a decentralized credit protocol with a mission to expand access to capital and foster financial inclusion. The protocol makes crypto loans without crypto collateral. This is the missing piece that finally unlocks crypto lending for most people in the world.

For more information about Goldfinch:

C.o.R.E. Spotlight Schedule

Alternatively, the recording is available on SoundCloud.

"The market we're going after is just real world economic activity – and that's trillions of dollars. And so we saw that. We said, okay, we have to figure out how to do this in a decentralized way, because we knew that crypto and DeFi are going to be the future of finance. We really see fundamentally that all private debt is going to be moving on-chain over the next 5-10 years, because you have just so much of a better system." – Blake West

Key Takeaways

  • Blake West is one of the co-founders of Goldfinch, with prior experience at Coinbase.
  • The Goldfinch team has 20 full-time employees, many of which have prior experience at Silicon Valley companies like Twilio, Adobe, Medium, and Goldman Sachs.
  • Goldfinch is backed by a16z.
  • Goldfinch launched a private beta in December 2020, with a public launch in July 2021.
  • Goldfinch team saw the innovation in DeFi lending with AAVE & Compound, and decided that there was a huge market for undercollateralized loans.
  • In order to overcome the issue of defaults with undercollateralized loans, Goldfinch only approves businesses with good reputations and financial track records to become borrowers.
  • The borrowers present their financial and loan request details through the Goldfinch dapp, and the community vets them.
  • Both DeFi and TradFi users can be verified to become lenders on Goldfinch in order to earn stablecoin yield. Average yield is ~17%+.
"Everything is, in fact, on Goldfinch...collateralized. It's secured by off-chain assets, income, and reputation, as opposed to being secured by on-chain liquid assets." – Blake West
  • Goldfinch primarily serves the market of mid-sized borrowers in developing economies.
  • To date, Goldfinch has loaned out over $100 million with no defaults.
  • Interest payments received by Goldfinch are "net-new" money coming into the crypto ecosystem from traditional finance.
  • Since the borrowers who are paying interest come from outside of DeFi, the yields are largely uncorrelated to the crypto markets, which is unique when compared to fully on-chain protocols.
  • Goldfinch would like a Reactor in order to improve liquidity for the GFI token, which will be undergoing a major v2 update that will require deeper liquidity.
"We're going to create this one single global credit marketplace that everyone's going to tap into, from the smallest businesses in Nigeria to the biggest institutions in New York. And similarly, on the investor side, everyone's going to be able to tap into these same deals." – Blake West

Rough Transcript of AMA

[00:00:00.430] - end0xiii
Blake, you want to start before we dive into Goldfinch? You want to start a little bit with your background?

[00:00:07.820] - Blake West
Sure thing. So my background is largely in tech and products. Me and my cofounder, Mike, we've actually known each other since freshman year of College. So we've known each other for over 17 years at this point. And both of us were into crypto.

We were both working at Coinbase before starting Goldfinch. We started Goldfinch in July 2020. We were working at Coinbase in 2018, and were there for a couple of years. And before that, I worked as an engineer here in the Valley at a healthcare company called Hint Health. Mike was the director of head of data science at Medium, the blogging platform. And he's also been working here with other companies, Adobe and Tech Kit, among others. So a lot of tech and product background for me and my cofounder.

[00:00:55.270] - end0xiii
Okay, cool. How big is your team now?

[00:00:57.830] - Blake West
The team is about 20 full time employees. Then probably another four or five full time contractors...filled with mostly people from top-tier tech companies – places like Airbnb, PayPal, Yelp....and we also have a lot of great finance people on board: people from Goldman Sachs, people from Morgan Stanley, people from Lendable. And so it's a really high quality team. Goldfinch has been backed by a16z on a couple of rounds. We've raised over $36 million from them, as well as other top tier VCs in the space. And so it's a really great team. I'm excited to work with them every day.

[00:01:33.880] - end0xiii
Yeah, that's incredible. It sounds incredible. How long ago did you guys launch? I'm a bit green on Goldfinch, admittedly.

[00:01:44.150] - Blake West
Sure thing. We left Coinbase in July 2020. We did a first super private beta thing in December of 2020, getting our first loans out the door. And then we kind of launched publicly in July of '21. And so it's been live since then, whatever that is. Ten months or so.

[00:02:06.350] - end0xiii
Okay, cool. Yeah, go ahead.

[00:02:11.270] - 70k3m3ch
Just had a question. I know a little bit about what you're doing. Obviously it's like a kind of a credit protocol, right, for uncollateralized loans in crypto. But I think you mostly have kind of more developing countries in mind, right?

[00:02:27.890] - Blake West
Yeah, totally.

[00:02:29.710] - 70k3m3ch
Would be interested in how this idea was born, or if there was anything specific that prompted that.

[00:02:37.730] - Blake West
Yeah, definitely. Mike and I have been in crypto for a while. We were at Coinbase since 2018. We kind of saw, like, while we were working there...some of the early beginnings of DeFi, you know, just as it was starting to take off. And so it's kind of like late 2019, early 2020. We were getting really excited about these possibilities of DeFi. We were seeing these green shoots. It was like: "oh, there's like a couple of hundred million in DeFi, this is crazy!"

[00:02:58.790] - Blake West
And we were like: this is going to be huge. We want to start a business in this area. And we saw what Compound and AAVE were doing, where they were doing these overcollateralized loans on chain, and they were having a lot of success. And that was cool.

But we were like...man, you know what's going to be 1000 times bigger than that? Figure out how to do real loans where there's actual people taking risk and the loans are not overcollateralized with assets on-chain. Because most people in the world, they're taking a loan. It's because they don't already have the money, right? And so Compound serves really well.

That's actually very niche use case of like margin trading and people wanting to borrow against highly appreciated assets, which is great. And that's worked to the tune of billions of dollars. But the market we're going after is just real-world economic activity, and that's trillions of dollars. And so we saw that. We said, okay, we have to figure out how to do this in a decentralized way, because we knew that crypto and DeFi are going to be the future of finance, right? We really see fundamentally that all private debt is going to be moving on-chain over the next 5-10 years, because you have just so much of a better system.

[00:03:57.740] - Blake West
It's interoperable, it's global by default. It's much more transparent. And what that does is it's going to create this one single credit marketplace. We kind of see this similar to the way that...I've seen an analogy between where newspapers were at and the internet, right?

So you used to have all these cities that had their own newspaper, and you still do today, and they have local newspapers, and we cover their local area. And everything was kind of very fragmented in this information marketplace, if you will. Then the internet comes along and it sort of like collapses that together. Right. And you've got this whole one global conversation marketplace that is Twitter and TikTok and things like that. But at the same time, it also exploded it, and it was so much easier to become a publisher. And now anyone can make their own content.

[00:04:38.380] - Blake West
I see the same kind of thing happening with finance. We're going to create this one single global credit marketplace that everyone's going to tap into, from the smallest businesses in Nigeria to the biggest institutions in New York. And similarly, on the investor side, everyone's going to be able to tap into these same deals.

We think Goldfinch is going to create this marketplace for credit. We are going to be powering all of this activity. And in order to do that, you can't just be doing this one overcollateralized lending thing where people have assets on chain. And it's just like not how the world economy operates. Right? But that's the future we saw.

And we wanted to build a system that could do real loans in an undercollateralized or, I say...undercollateralized is not the term we like to use. Everything is, in fact, on Goldfinch...collateralized. It's secured by off-chain assets, income, and reputation, as opposed to being secured by on-chain liquid assets. And so fundamentally, we see the Goldfinch protocols like this human coordination engine for assessing risk and allocating capital. And I'm happy to talk about how we do that at a technical level, but that's some of the origins and the things we were seeing.

[00:05:34.450] - 70k3m3ch
This is a super interesting question that you just raised...I was about to say it's interesting because I think the main genesis of overcollateralized loans was the issue that you said: on-chain, you can't just trust like an anonymous person. So that's why you want this kind of overcollateralization. Right. And then basically in your system, you solve that issue by just having someone else. We can talk about the mechanics a little bit later, but like...someone being willing to take on that risk. Right. In return for gains, physically, for profit. But then you just mentioned that there's a system with reputation.

[00:06:29.470] - Blake West
Yeah, sure. Couple of things there. So Goldfinch...the borrowers who come on...I think it's important to set some context who the customers are. Right. And I think that will help explain some things.

So the businesses that Goldfinch works with...they are fintechs around the world. They're fintech lenders, actually. So they use technology in some way to loan money in their local markets, and they use technology to have some edge in how they do that. So like an example of a borrower is PayJoy. They have software on there – they finance smartphones. So you can get a phone with no money down from a store in Mexico. And then you pay that phone off over two years, and it has software on that phone that will shut off the phone if you don't pay. Right.

And so it turns out they have excellent repayment rates, because everyone wants their phones to work. And there's companies like this all over the world. It's just a huge demand for lending capital. And Goldfinch is like a wholesale lender to these businesses. And so they borrow actually fairly large sums of money from us – 5, 10, even $20 million at a time.

[00:07:31.110] - Blake West
And then they take that into local capital markets and make many smaller loans to individuals and small businesses all around the world. Goldfinch has been operating in over 28 countries right now, with borrowers in over 28 countries. And we've loaned out over $100 million with no defaults, operating for over about a year at this point.

And these businesses are caught in this – they're caught in kind of the gap of financing where, if they wanted to borrow really small amounts, they might be able to do that in their local capital markets, but...less. Like $500K or something. If they want to borrow a really large amount, maybe like over $25 million, they might be able to start getting interest of Western capital institutions. But that gap in between is really not well served, and it's really an access premium. It's not a risk thing. There are really high-quality businesses here.

There are structural reasons why that gap exists, such as high-interest government bonds, and it tends to crowd out investment in these local markets, as well as just simply not being as much capital there. So that's kind of who the businesses are. They're real businesses.

[00:08:29.120] - Blake West
They have reputation to uphold. Right? They want to get capital from other people other than Goldfinch as well. They do. And so they have a real thing. They're not like an anonymous borrower coming onto Compound and just saying like, hey, I want $1,000. Right.

Assessing individuals is...extremely difficult, but assessing businesses is much easier. You can look at financial history, and they present this financial history to the community of backers and LPs that Goldfinch has created. So we have a really, really strong community of backers and LPs. The Discord is like 40,000 people and stuff right now. And we've been doing a lot of these deals, and the backers can look at this information – those data rooms that the borrowers put up. And you can look at their website, of course, and they pitched the deal to them. That's kind of...how that works. There's that reputation piece that comes in, and they don't want to look like they didn't pay their loan. And their loan is now going to be forever available for anyone to see on-chain if they don't pay.

[00:09:18.160] - end0xiii

[00:09:18.950] - Blake West
But of course, they're also using their track record as a business to present to the community. So I think this is a really key piece, and it's part of why we started with companies. Because one, they can borrow larger sums from the get-go, and that means that gas costs are actually not a big deal for them. And also because businesses just have a much higher likelihood of paying back, and they're easier to underwrite.

[00:09:39.430] - end0xiii
That's fascinating. What does the process look like for a company like PayJoy, when you say they come and they maybe present their financials? Do you have, like, a forum on your website? Or what's the medium in which they present that information that the backers can then look at and agree upon?

[00:09:58.280] - Blake West
So today they can go into the Goldfinch dapp and they actually link out to information that they provide, and they put some information on the dapp itself about basic information about the loan. They link out to a Notion page that has a ton of info about themselves. That's kind of the way that that works.

They also sometimes will create Telegram chats, and they've done YouTube AMAs, and they create channels in our Discord, but they can be answering questions from the backers. And the people in the lead up to the pool actually opening. So all of those channels are available to the backers to make sure they're making an informed decision.

I think another thing that's important is that we also work with credit funds. And credit funds are a big channel for Goldfinch. So credit funds are out there in the world sourcing deals, originating deals, underwriting deals all the time. That's what they do professionally. But they still also want to tap into this brand new source of capital that is DeFi. And so they come to Goldfinch and they basically kind of syndicate a deal out. They've already structured it legally, they've already talked with the borrowers, and they know this is a quality deal.

[00:10:54.630] - Blake West
And then they basically syndicate that deal out to the backers and LPs of the Goldfinch community. And so that is another great way that the backers can get confidence that this is a quality deal – because they're working with a quality credit fund that also has a large track record that they can look at.

[00:11:09.490] - 70k3m3ch
It's highly interesting. And the backers – that role of a backer in that system. What type of people are these...more individuals?

[00:11:19.930] - Blake West
People like you and me, looking to earn yield on stable coin. It's a mix of them. We have some people who are kind of more traditional finance people who are just really interested and excited about what Goldfinch is doing and how we're kind of closing this financing gap that exists throughout developing world.

I think it's important to say we're really here because we are just so excited to be bringing crypto to the real world. We're bringing on net-new businesses and new people to the crypto ecosystem every week. And they are setting up Metamask accounts, and getting set up on exchanges, and they're tapping into DeFi. They're doing real stuff and we're not handling them. We're not doing custody assets for them. They are using DeFi and interacting with our smart contracts directly.

We're super excited about that. And every time they pay interest, that's net-new money from outside in the world; that's generated by real economic impact and value. And it's coming into the crypto and DeFi ecosystem every day. We're just bringing more of the world into the DeFi space. And we're like super pumped about that. And it also means that the yields that are generated by Goldfinch are totally uncorrelated with the rest of the crypto market, which is a really unique offering.

[00:12:17.750] - Blake West
Most people...everything else in the crypto space is just like so reflexive and self-referential. Right? And like when the crypto markets go up, everything goes up. When they go down, everything goes down. But on Goldfinch, we're still offering eight and a half percent yields on the senior pool, which is diversified, safe, liquid yield. And if you're a backer, you can be getting 17, 20% fixed USDC yield. That's not us subsidizing. That's not us throwing tokens at it. That's just like the real honest to God yield that is being generated by these deals. And it's awesome.

[00:12:44.740] - 70k3m3ch
This is amazing because I was just about to say that. I think to me, the most amazing part is that it actually ties, like, kind of the outside...I don't want to say real, but the economy outside of crypto. Right. Ties it really tightly into crypto. I think it's one of the first, or if not the first, kind of that type of bridges that I've seen.

[00:13:10.090] - Blake West
Yeah, totally. And that's one of the things we also really wanted to do from the beginning. We really believe in this future of DeFi and think that's where all this activity is going to go. And I also think that unless we figure out how to do this bridging efficiently and well, then DeFi is going to have a ceiling. I don't think it's going to cap out at somewhere here. We have to bring in the rest of that economic activity in order to keep growing crypto and the rest of the DeFi space.

[00:13:35.840] - end0xiii
Yeah. You're doing God's work. Can you talk a little bit more about the differences between the junior pools and the senior pools?

[00:13:45.510] - Blake West
So this is really key. So kind of mechanically how this works: each of those borrowers I was mentioning, they create what we call a borrower pool. And that borrower pool has two tranches in it. It has...a junior tranche and a senior tranche. This corresponds to these two different participants in the ecosystem that we call backers and LPs. I've kind of been referencing them a lot. Let's dive into what they are.

So backers are the ones that are going to be actively assessing the deal. And they decide: okay, I'm putting my money up into this junior position. And that tells the ecosystem – it tells the protocol – this person believes in that deal. In fact, they're putting their money where their mouth is, and they are going to be the first loss piece here. And so that means that the backer would lose all of their money before the senior pool loses any of its money. And so the backer is kind of staking their USDC here. And the senior pool, which is the single aggregated pool that LPs put their money into, that's a more passive pool. It is diversified across all of the deals that we have, and it's highly liquid.

[00:14:42.740] - Blake West
And so if you want that, that's cool. You're an LP, you put your money in there. And based on the signals we're getting from the backers to put capital in the senior pool, allocate additional capital on top of what we call like a leverage ratio. And that leverage ratio is determined by how many backers are in a given pool.

And so we kind of come to this idea of trust through consensus. Right. If we're seeing a bunch of backers putting money into the pool, I can increase the leverage ratio, which means more senior capital is going to come in, and then there's this interesting economic alignment here where the senior pool takes 20% of its interest...is reallocated to the backers. And so this gives the backers an economic incentive to do the work of assessment and also for taking that risk of being the first lost piece. And that's why I was saying the backers can get these really attractive rates of return around. You have 17% plus percent USDC because they're getting that 20% carry, if you will, from the senior pool. That's almost like they're running their own credit fund, except they didn't actually have to create a fund.

[00:15:39.060] - Blake West
They didn't have to raise any money. But they're doing that core thing that fund managers get, which is like getting that carry for being able to take a position and try and help direct capital. But it's happening in a decentralized way where no individual person is actually directing that capital.

[00:15:52.990] - end0xiii
Got you. That's pretty awesome. I love the whole design. Could you talk a little bit more about the GFI token? How that comes into play?

[00:16:02.650] - Blake West
Sure thing. So right now the GFI token is used in a liquidity mining aspect. So participating as either a backer or an LP, you will receive additional GFI rewards on top. We're also rather soon going to be releasing sort of like a tokenomics v2, which is going to have a lot of stuff. I can't get into the details right now, but it's going to be really cool. There's going to be stuff for backers and LPs and ways to stake the GFI token.

There's a whole auditor system that is actually outlined in the whitepaper since the beginning. That's a system where sort of like a proof of stake network...people can stake the GFI token in order to be selected as an auditor, others perform some human level checks on borrowers, and that will give them additional payment in the form of the fees that are generated by the protocol. So the protocols...actually, I'll get to the fees in a second. Then there's a third thing we'll probably do with borrowers, but they will also be using the token essentially some form of staking on their pools. A lot of this is going to be outlined in some of our upcoming tokenomics v2 post.

[00:17:02.720] - Blake West
And then maybe while we're on the topic here, it's important to discuss the fees the protocol generates. So the protocol generates...it takes a 10% cut of interest that comes into the protocol. We also have a 0.5% withdraw fee for LPs to help encourage long-term capital and take away some security vectors to try and deal with certain flash loan attacks that would be possible. And so there's those two things...we're soon going to be launching some secondary markets for these junior backer positions allow people to trade those tokens. The protocol may take a small cut of the volume there. And so the protocol is already making over $100K a month in USDC revenue. And that's something that is great for protocol and will help further its growth and be a good fit.

[00:17:48.230] - end0xiii
Awesome. The liquidity that you're sourcing for GFI currently that's just through this liquidity mining program.

[00:17:59.250] - Blake West
You said the GFI. Sorry. That we're sourcing for liquidity. Yeah.

[00:18:04.410] - end0xiii
You have a liquidity mining program right now to try and generate liquidity for the token, but I guess I'm trying to tie it back to...I'm not quite as elegant as CJ, our usual lead on the Spotlight, but trying to tie it back to how it would be advantageous for you guys to have a token Reactor. Obviously that would generate some liquidity. But just talk a little bit about the current liquidity mining program. Do you have concerns about token emissions, or how's that working?

[00:18:36.170] - Blake West
Yeah. So...I mean, the token emissions are going to the world. We're not super concerned about that way too much or anything. We actually have a mechanism in place where as capital flows into the pool, the emissions will be decreased, and try and help control that. And so we're going to be releasing other things around staking and stuff to be creating more sinks for the token.

So the GFI token does not have a ton of liquidity. It is traded on Coinbase right now, as well as some other exchanges. Liquidity is relatively light, and so this is part of why we're excited to potentially be working with Tokemak. I think there's going to be a lot of awesome stuff coming out of Goldfinch over the coming months, and that will be generating a lot more interest in the token. I think we're going to be needing more liquidity. And so now we're excited to be working potentially with Tokemak, and I think it could be really impactful for the Goldfinch community.

[00:19:25.860] - end0xiii
Got you. And your current DEX pool -- it's on Uniswap, just assuming.

[00:19:32.180] - Blake West
We have some stuff on Uniswap v2, as well as the centralized exchanges. Yeah.

[00:19:36.880] - end0xiii
Got you. Okay, cool. All right. Well, this has been fascinating to connect. You have some more questions? Trying to think of what else we can discuss.

[00:19:56.050] - 70k3m3ch
On my end, I don't have any specific questions. I'm just going to check the chat real quick to see if there's any questions.

[00:20:05.530] - end0xiii
There is definitely some, I guess. And I don't have the most complete, well-rounded understanding of Maple finance. But how would you say you differentiate yourself from Maple?

[00:20:23.150] - Blake West
It's pretty different. Actually, if you talk to Maple, they actually just view themselves very differently. They view themselves like an infrastructure provider, kind of helping institutions do borrowing through like, smart contracts they create. But their pools are all isolated, right? It's like a bunch of little islands, and it's not really a cohesive network or protocol in that way. They're more...just redacted contracts that people can use, but they're all independent for the most part. The Maple token sort of does this security aspect across them, but they're not fully connected in my view.

Whereas we have this global senior pool that automatically diversifies capital across all of the deals, and automatically does that according to rules within the protocol. So we view this as really a true human risk assessment coordination system that we're building with this protocol. I'd say also, and all those pieces kind of fit together, right? Like the backers need the LPs, the LPs need the backers, and the borrowers need the backers to assess them. That's like a whole really cohesive unit that we have built to be able to scale in a decentralized way, and the auditor system helps at that as well.

[00:21:27.320] - Blake West
It's really...scale in a decentralized way, as well as have really strong network effects that are going to be very hard to displace, because it's not just like, oh, well, I could cut you out and go directly to this borrower. It's like, well, no, because you want the LPs to give you this extra capital, and the backers are only there to do that because of the LPs. Everybody needs each other. So I think there's a really nice cohesive system that's there for the network effect.

Also, it's important to who we're going after. Right. So we're going after these real world businesses. We want to get people from outside the crypto ecosystem into crypto, and we're doing this already in 28 countries with many different borrowers, whereas Maple is very highly focused on market makers and traders within the crypto ecosystem and very large institutions doing $100-$200,000,000 at a time. That's cool. It works for them. I don't have anything against that. But I think what we're doing to me is like a...more exciting, challenging, and scalable business.

[00:22:13.730] - end0xiii
Yeah. I mean, I'm very impressed with Goldfinch from this. I'm glad that you came in here. It sounds like incredibly important infrastructure for...especially bringing in non-crypto-native businesses, and familiarizing themselves with the power of DeFi.

If you had to...how do I phrase this...give a pitch to our community as to why they should vote. This whole thing has been a pretty solid pitch, but I guess like blue sky, your dream world scenario where the world is using utilizing Goldfinch's infrastructure. Maybe just a high-level pitch to try and sway the voters.

[00:23:02.330] - Blake West
Yeah. I think we're doing a lot of awesome work to help bring the real world into the crypto ecosystem. I think Tokemak can be incredibly important in helping us get liquidity on the GFI token, which I said is going to be helpful for making this protocol run. Right?

The auditor system especially, which is launching soon, is going to be a key piece of that, as well as the safety mechanism. People are going to need GFI. There's going to be a lot of action going in and out. So we need liquidity on that token in order for this to all work. I think Tokemak can be an important partner in helping us get there.

I also think there's other partnership opportunities down the road. So we actually just launched a Curve pool for FIDU. So FIDU is our C token like instrument that you get when you supply into the senior pool. It is your receipt on that. It's very similar to a C token, and there's also the other pools where you want to allow for secondary market access that...we just launched one on Curve, and I think that could be another great partnership opportunity with Tokemak down the line: to create a lot of liquidity on the FIDU asset itself. So I think there's other synergies and ways we can be working together in the future as well.

[00:24:02.150] - end0xiii
Okay, that was a pretty great answer. Well, do we have any more questions from the audience in the CoRE channel? It doesn't look like we have too many. I really appreciate you coming in here. Do you have any additional last questions before we part ways?

[00:24:24.410] - 70k3m3ch
No, I thought it was great. Fantastic and honest. I knew about Goldfinch. I had never really taken a deep dive, but I certainly will now.

[00:24:36.590] - Blake West
I'm really glad to hear that guys. And we are really excited to hopefully be working with Tokemak, and if there's anything else I can do, please reach out and come check out Goldfinch.

[00:24:49.550] - 70k3m3ch
Yeah, one more question...where should people go if they want to find out more about Goldfinch?

[00:25:00.940] - Blake West
Goldfinch.finance or Twitter @Goldfinch_fi

[00:25:02.930] - end0xiii

[00:25:03.430] - 70k3m3ch

[00:25:04.970] - end0xiii
All right. Blake, thanks so much man for coming in. I really appreciate your time. That was a beautiful, wonderful optimistic DeFi future high-level overview of Goldfinch. We appreciate your time, and best of luck in CoRE3.

[00:25:22.310] - 70k3m3ch

[00:25:26.610] - end0xiii
Thanks everyone. Talk to you soon. Bye.